Mariah Dolenc

Mariah Dolenc: Woman, Thinker, Writer, Creator

What Natural Labor & Birth Feels Like

If you’re anything like me, you want to know everything about birth as soon as you get pregnant (maybe even before). Before you have actually given birth it’s quite impossible to know what labor will feel like from beginning to end. As a first-time mom this could be the number one thing that you think […]

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My Birth Story: Olivia Amelia Dolenc

My Birth Story: Olivia Amelia Dolenc

Since I’m expecting my second baby, now seems likeĀ an appropriate time to write down my birth story (insert eye roll emoji). I have been thinking of this since the birth of my first, Olivia. I should tell you something first about my approach to birth: I’m very passionate about completely natural, intervention-free childbirth. If you […]

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Every Single Potty Training Mistake

Every Single Potty Training Mistake

Potty training: the stuff that makes up my worst nightmares. Even my recurring velociraptor nightmares don’t compare to this. I was determined to go through potty training as quickly and painlessly as possible. I researched every Pinterest article, every mommy blog, and every natural parenting suggestion on how to potty train your toddler in one […]

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