We all need a pick-me-up from time to time. Some of us are characteristically happy, some of us have to make a conscious decision to be so. Even if we’re generally happy people, life is not perfect and wonderful for everyone all of the time. When we are feeling down, it’s best to do something to get ourselves back on track rather than waiting for it to blow over.
Write down 5 things you are grateful for
This is something that’s been proven over and over again. The Harvard Health Publications talks about studies that showed how gratitude helped people become more optimistic, exercise more, and had fewer visits to physicians. It’s great to just think or say what we are thankful for, but writing it down seems to be even more beneficial. Take a moment or two to write down 3-5 things that you’re grateful for. If you do this daily then you quickly get past the obvious “friends, family, roof over my head” and you begin to dig deep. This is when you can really begin to make gratitude a habitual daily action.
Search Pinterest
When you go to Pinterest search “inspiration” or “inspirational quotes” and just scroll through reading them for a few minutes. You can also add in another word in your search to specify your sources of inspiration. Maybe set yourself a 5 minute timer so that you don’t end up mindlessly scrolling through and then miss the point of these quotes which is to DO something. Also, watch out for memes. While they are indeed funny and can give us a good laugh, they are usually sarcastic and negative and that will not lift you up nor will it make you feel like elevating others. Keep it positive and keep it relevant to you so that it truly speaks to you.
Search YouTube
On all platforms of social media (and everywhere else in the world) you have a good side and a bad side. We are bombarded with the bad, the negative, all the time and we have to make the effort to actually find and promote the good. YouTube is full of negative content, but it also has a wealth of positivity. You can find many YouTubers, vloggers, filmmakers, and content creators, who all purposefully create meaningful and inspirational videos. If you’re feeling sad, overwhelmed, depressed, if the news has you down, go search out some inspirational videos. They can make an amazing difference in the way we feel about ourselves, about others, and about our world.
Write someone a “Thank You” note
It used to be a very regular part of society’s etiquette that seems to have been mostly abandoned. This is such a nice thing to do for someone. Often, when we do something nice for someone else it has a way of making us feel happy and raising our spirits. Handwrite someone a note telling them thank you and that you appreciate them. It can be short and sweet, it doesn’t have to be a long novel. You can either give it to them or send it in the mail. Handwritten mail is so rare these days that it truly feels like a special treat. Maybe include an inspirational quote that reminds you of that person. You can send it to someone that you met with for coffee or tea just to say “Thanks for taking time to meet with me” and send it on its way. This simple act can get your creativity flowing.
Read a good book
This doesn’t usually mean a dramatic love novel. It depends on what kind of inspiration you’re looking for, but there are some classics that have been around forever giving inspiration and motivation to millions. If you don’t know where to start here is a list off of LifeHack that looks good and here is another one. As you can see, there are a few of the same books in both of those lists. What I like to do is, if you have access to a good bookstore, go there, find a few of these books, then sit down and read through the first chapter in each of them. Usually one chapter will give you a good feeling for the book and if it appeals to you. If you don’t have a bookstore nearby then go on iBooks and download the sample for free. It should be fun to read. If you don’t read regularly then you may find it challenging in the beginning. Stick with it! Reading a good book everyday is the best investment you can make into yourself and your future.
What are some things that you do for inspiration?