Mariah Dolenc: Woman, Thinker, Writer, Creator
Is Beauty Only Skin Deep?
Beauty. It’s an industry, it’s a description, it’s sought after, frowned upon, criticized, glorified, it’s a lot of things. What do we teach our kids about it. It may be different for boys and girls, but they both need lessons on it. Raising a daughter, this has come to my mind a lot. I’ve put […]
The Greatest Gift You Can Give Your Child
As parents we think a lot about what we want our children to do or not do. We make a lot of rules, we have a lot of talks and take actions all around their behavior. Why? Hopefully it’s because we believe that how we shape them now will make them into good people later. The […]
Practicing Immediate Forgiveness
As a mom, I believe it gets progressively more difficult as your child gets older. You may have an adjustment period with a newborn and variation in schedules due to teething and growth, but all in all when your child is a baby they are pretty enjoyable, congenial little beasts whom we adore. As they […]
Abs And Stretch Marks
When I was going for my Level 10 (the best shape of my life) I was looking for inspiration when it got tough. I was discouraged, downtrodden, sad, depressed, and just needed to know I wasn’t the only mom with damaged skin who wanted to get into shape. I searched online for “mom with abs” […]
Motherhood Mantras
Motherhood is full of emotions. Good and bad. Amazing and amazingly difficult. Throughout this past year I’ve been learning a lot. I don’t want to be someone who just sits back and lets life happen and then is at the mercy of circumstances. I want to be in control of my life. I realize one can […]
Step Away From The Vacuum
Motherhood has endowed upon me its inevitable life lessons. I can fight them, acknowledge them, accept them, learn from them, but there they are. The most significant one as of late is definitely worth sharing. Luka, Olivia, and I live in a tiny apartment. It’s real cozy. That’s just the way of life here. Because […]
Motherhood Is Making Me Ugly
Motherhood is the most beautiful experience that can make you feel the least beautiful. What does this mean? I was on FaceTime with my husband and he commented, “Babe, you look so good. You look beautiful.” I am married to a wonderful man who tells me this everyday. Normally my response is something like, “Thank […]