Mariah Dolenc: Woman, Thinker, Writer, Creator
Recovering From Birth Can Feel Traumatic
Lessons in Parenthood: Week 14 I feel adequately recovered from birth to be able to talk about this. Not so much physically recovered as emotionally. There’s really no absolute way to know how your birth and postpartum journey will be. Every woman and every birth is different. My first and second births were dramatically different. […]
Guilty Pregnancy Parenting
Lessons in Parenthood: Week 10 Most of the time, my focus in these weekly blogs is centered on something that my child did that gave me cause for thought or change. I take some time for reflection on what happened during the week that I should write about. This week I figured I would write more […]
My Second Pregnancy
I have a friend with two children, a daughter and a son. When I visited her after her son was born I asked her, “How were the two pregnancies? Was it very different?” and she replied, “They were exactly the same. Exactly!” Since the inception of this blog I’ve talked to A LOT of women before, during, […]
Entering The Third Trimester
Today marks the 27th week of my pregnancy. For all of you who have no idea what weeks mean, that’s almost 7 months. Pregnancy is broken up into 3 trimesters of 3 months each. This is now the final trimester and the last 3ish months of pregnancy. It’s gone by super fast so far. Probably […]
Simple Things To Help You Get Pregnant
It’s surprisingly not that easy for every woman to conceive. I always had in mind that if you sneeze in an untimely manner you could get pregnant. Probably because my mother and grandmother both had seven children. However, for most women it doesn’t happen right away. In fact, it is possible it doesn’t happen on […]
Pregnancy Complications
This is something I only shared with a few people while it was happening. Even then, I realized I had shared it with too many people. Unwanted comments were mindlessly given making the emotional trauma even worse. It was scary, devastating and for over a month I was doing my best to go on about […]
Why Not Be Beautiful
Beauty is so a hot topic in our world. It gives meaning to some, while strips others of theirs. It’s loaded with controversy and opinions. One thing we seem to agree on is that we should all feel beautiful. What does that mean? It changes for each individual I suppose. Today, while sitting in a […]
5 Things You Should Say To Every Pregnant Woman
Pregnancy is a delicate time in every woman’s life… yeah right, just kidding. Pregnancy is anything, but delicate. It’s hard, it’s not easy, most of the time it’s not fun either. There is wonder and beauty to it, but not every woman feels that way about it. Very few women feel like radiant, sexy beings, […]
What Natural Labor & Birth Feels Like
If you’re anything like me, you want to know everything about birth as soon as you get pregnant (maybe even before). Before you have actually given birth it’s quite impossible to know what labor will feel like from beginning to end. As a first-time mom this could be the number one thing that you think […]
My Birth Story: Olivia Amelia Dolenc
Since I’m expecting my second baby, now seems like an appropriate time to write down my birth story (insert eye roll emoji). I have been thinking of this since the birth of my first, Olivia. I should tell you something first about my approach to birth: I’m very passionate about completely natural, intervention-free childbirth. If you […]