Super Simple Stir Fry

This is a great one to prepare in advance and make on the spot. The prep time can take a while: slicing and dicing and all that. However, once all that is done, actually cooking it up takes 5 minutes. It’s also best to prepare the rice in advance and let it cool. This is also a good recipe for someone who wants to meal prep, but also have a warm meal. You can keep all the prepared ingredients in the fridge and then take out what you need for that serving and you’re good to go.

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Rice (prepared and cooled in advance)
1 tsp. Coconut Butter
Bell Peppers
1 Small Red Onion
1 Clove of Garlic
Veggies of Choice
1+ Egg
Soy Sauce
Fish Sauce (optional)


Start with a skillet on medium/high and then add coconut better and melt. Coconut butter is a great healthy choice, Make sure it doesn’t burn or smoke.

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Once butter has melted, add bell peppers and let them soften a bit. Then add other veggies and onion and garlic finely chopped. I chose mushrooms, brussel sprouts, and green beans (I steamed the brussel sprouts and green beans ahead of time).

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Next add a splash of soy sauce and fish sauce. Start with about 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and then add more later if you want. Soy sauce and fish sauce are very salty and can easily overpower the flavor.

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Let that mix simmer for 3-5 minutes, then push it all to the sides and create a little well in the center. Add rice to center.

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On top of the rice drizzle a little bit of soy sauce.

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Give it a good stir so that the soy sauce evenly coats the rice, then mix it into the veggies.

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Create another little well in the center.

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Add egg to the center. I used just one at the time, but you can add however many you want. 2-3 would be fine.

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As the egg begins to cook, stir it around like scrambled eggs.

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Once the egg is cooked, stir it into the rest of the stir fry.

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After that, serve and enjoy!

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