Mariah Dolenc

Mariah Dolenc: Woman, Thinker, Writer, Creator


6 Rules For Traveling Parents: Mom Edition

In the past month Luka and I have been traveling a lot. It seems that every time we go somewhere I refine my traveling skills, usually through trial and error, sweat and tears. It has yet to be easy to travel internationally with a toddler. Hopefully one day it will be a breeze, but until […]

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Pre-Pregnancy, Prenatal, and Postpartum on Herbalife: What I Ate

BABY TALK! I get a lot of emails and messages from women asking me about how and what I ate throughout my pregnancy. This is an in-depth reveal of my nutrition consumption before, during, and after pregnancy. *DISCLAIMER* I am sharing what worked for me and what I decided to do for myself. Always consult […]

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Practicing Immediate Forgiveness

As a mom, I believe it gets progressively more difficult as your child gets older. You may have an adjustment period with a newborn and variation in schedules due to teething and growth, but all in all when your child is a baby they are pretty enjoyable, congenial little beasts whom we adore. As they […]

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My Level 10

On June 6th I took rather unflattering, exposed photos of myself and posted them to Facebook and declared that in 90 day I will reach my Level 10, or I will be in the best shape of my life. Not just postpartum shape, but shape period. Better than before I was pregnant and I was […]

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Motherhood Mantras

Motherhood is full of emotions. Good and bad. Amazing and amazingly difficult. Throughout this past year I’ve been learning a lot. I don’t want to be someone who just sits back and lets life happen and then is at the mercy of circumstances. I want to be in control of my life.  I realize one can […]

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No Cookies For Baby

Here’s the situation: I’m at a social event and there is a table full of cookies and chocolates and sweets and juices. All the fixings. Olivia is charming everyone with her smiles and good mood. A lady picks her up and Olivia points to the table of cookies. “Oh! You want a cookie?” says the […]

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Pregnancy: What They Don’t Tell You

Here it is; all my uncovered information. At first I thought this would be too much information to share with the public, but then I thought, I will be helping some woman who is a first time mom and doesn’t know any of this stuff. Seriously! There is so much about pregnancy and birth that no […]

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I Let My Baby Eat Dirt

This past week was magical. Olivia and I spent several days working in the garden with my sister-in-law, Katja*, at her house. We planted lots of veggies and then built an herb spiral. It was a lot of work. Enjoyable work. The whole time Olivia and Katja’s son, Nejc**, played out in the garden too. […]

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