Mariah Dolenc: Woman, Thinker, Writer, Creator
3 Travel Tips For Staying Fit
Luka and I are on the road a lot, traveling through California and Europe. Now, add a toddler to all that. It takes A LOT of energy to deal with all that. A lot of energy also goes into eating, believe it or not. Deciding what to eat, knowing when to eat, making sure the little one […]
A Mom With A Six Pack
I started using Herbalife Nutrition products, balanced my diet, and began working out regularly and I lost over 15 pounds, 5% body fat, and I have kept it off for 4 years. Now I’m a mom with a six-pack. That’s the short version of my story. Before Herbalife found me I was fluffy (but good […]
3 Tips For Burning Fat
I had an amazing physical result in less than 90 days and here are a few tips that I used to help me shred that fat. 1. Work the big muscles Most people believe that in order to burn fat they need to do lots and lots of cardio. While cardio does burn fat it is […]
My Level 10
On June 6th I took rather unflattering, exposed photos of myself and posted them to Facebook and declared that in 90 day I will reach my Level 10, or I will be in the best shape of my life. Not just postpartum shape, but shape period. Better than before I was pregnant and I was […]
Step Away From The Diet And Into A New You
In my work I have encountered more people who need to eat more calories to lose weight. I see this so often that I decided to share it and hopefully someone reading this will be able to use it. There’s nothing I hate more than diets. I’m not into diets, I’m into lifestyle changes. People […]