Mariah Dolenc: Woman, Thinker, Writer, Creator
Recovering From Birth Can Feel Traumatic
Lessons in Parenthood: Week 14 I feel adequately recovered from birth to be able to talk about this. Not so much physically recovered as emotionally. There’s really no absolute way to know how your birth and postpartum journey will be. Every woman and every birth is different. My first and second births were dramatically different. […]
Guilty Pregnancy Parenting
Lessons in Parenthood: Week 10 Most of the time, my focus in these weekly blogs is centered on something that my child did that gave me cause for thought or change. I take some time for reflection on what happened during the week that I should write about. This week I figured I would write more […]
Even Toddlers Can Be Trustworthy
Lessons in Parenthood: Week 6 Recently my husband Luka recorded a little play time session between Olivia and I. We were all at the table after dinner when Olivia was getting a good laugh out of trying to put my finger in her mouth. I really didn’t think it was funny that she was trying to […]
Mama Forgets
There’s nothing more painful than the moment you’ve been unfair, hurtful, unjust, or unkind to your child and you know it. It’s that sinking feeling and suddenly a darkness comes over you and you think, What have I done? When Olivia was a baby and up until recently, it was firmly fixed in my mind […]
Pregnancy Complications
This is something I only shared with a few people while it was happening. Even then, I realized I had shared it with too many people. Unwanted comments were mindlessly given making the emotional trauma even worse. It was scary, devastating and for over a month I was doing my best to go on about […]
Learning To Let Go And Hold Onto
Today, despite fighting a stomach virus, we took the time to set up our little fake Christmas tree and Nativity. We also lit the second Advent candle and said our prayers. In the midst of it, things seemed a bit chaotic, but when it was all done and said and Olivia, Luka, and I were […]
Practicing Immediate Forgiveness
As a mom, I believe it gets progressively more difficult as your child gets older. You may have an adjustment period with a newborn and variation in schedules due to teething and growth, but all in all when your child is a baby they are pretty enjoyable, congenial little beasts whom we adore. As they […]
A Mom With A Six Pack
I started using Herbalife Nutrition products, balanced my diet, and began working out regularly and I lost over 15 pounds, 5% body fat, and I have kept it off for 4 years. Now I’m a mom with a six-pack. That’s the short version of my story. Before Herbalife found me I was fluffy (but good […]
My Level 10
On June 6th I took rather unflattering, exposed photos of myself and posted them to Facebook and declared that in 90 day I will reach my Level 10, or I will be in the best shape of my life. Not just postpartum shape, but shape period. Better than before I was pregnant and I was […]